Planning and building your new home is a very exciting time! Along with the lengthy list of decisions surrounding fixtures and fitting choices, it can be very cost effective and beneficial to consider your solar installation before you have even started your building design. If you are considering solar power for your new home the time to start planning for it is now! Location and OrientationFirstly, you need to consider your block location and position as choosing this correctly can significantly increase your solar panel efficiency. A flat block clear of close trees that cause shading will always allow the best production for your panels. Along with trees, give consideration to high buildings next to your block and if they will cast shadows onto your roof at different times of the day. If you are on a hillside, consider the placement of your house to ensure the least amount of shading possible. A block which will allow your roof to be north facing will allow the best solar production. Roofing DesignA north facing roof captures the most potential sunlight. If this is not possible the next best design is a western orientation. You will need to give consideration to the size of the system you are planning and how many panels you will need to place on your roof to ensure your roof will not only fit the system but do it in an aesthetically pleasing way. Other items that can cause issues for solar design are chimneys, satellite dishes, shade sails, air conditioning systems, tv ariels and awnings so planning their location strategically is recommended. The roofing battens and timbers are important to plan before solar. Well placed battens we make the installation a whole lot easier and also saves installation costs. Planning Your Pre-WireYou can save money and time if you decide on your solar system prior to the commencement of your build as your solar electrician can liaise with your builder and onsite electrician to have the wiring for your solar system included in the house pre wire. Making decisions around the location of your power board, inverter placement and solar system placement will ensure that all of the required wiring can be completed in the initial stages to save money, time and future challenges. Seek Advice Now!It is best to seek advice as early as possible regarding your plans for your solar system to ensure that you can get the system that will meet your needs. There are many variations on systems but there are a number of decisions that can be made early and make your life and your builders much easier. It is best to seek advice from a qualified and experienced solar installer to help you plan correctly. Contact Will from Airlec today on 0466 320 600 for advice on orientation, design options and to discuss your wiring and infrastructure requirements today!
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